Streaming Hardware Requirements

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Yakitory Streaming Server Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for Yakitory streaming server are as follows:

  • Operating System: 64-bit Linux
  • CPU: Quad-core 2.6 GHz CPU or higher
  • Memory: 8GB RAM or more
  • Disk Space: At least 500GB (for video storage)
  • Bandwidth: 100 Mbits/sec (up/down) or higher
  • Dedicated physical server (not virtual)
  • Domain Name: Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) such as:

For Users:

  • Personal Computer: Supports HTML5 browsers.
  • Mobile Devices: iOS 12.2 and above, and Android 6.0 and above operating systems with browsers.


Encoding Requirements Impact Hardware Demands

Because Yakitory supports various encodings, the actual hardware resources needed depend on your usage attributes.

We've created a relationship chart between common encodings and hardware performance requirements (regardless of encoding quality) to guide you in setting up your streaming server and choosing encoding.

Another general understanding:

The higher the video resolution Yakitory handles, the more memory is needed; and the more videos there are, the more CPU acceleration processing is required.



For more detailed information, please contact us. Thank you.